Personal Training
Get Strong. Move Well. Live Better
Our clients come from various lifestyle backgrounds with a common goal in mind; living better. Following a thorough fitness and movement assessment, we are able to personalize every session to fit your exact needs. Our goal for each client is to build strength and increase movement competency all while keeping you pain and injury free. Combining the goals you want to achieve with our company's vision will ensure you start living your best life!
Personal Training
60-75 Minute Personal Training Service
Warmup and Workout
Monthly Programming
Exercise instruction designed to teach proper movement that will be applied during workouts and in daily life
Video and text exercise instruction for at home workouts
If pain or injury is present performance movement training exercises will be given
Choose a drink (water, coffee, Gatorade) and a snack
One on One Session: As Low as $79.00 per session
Partner Session: As Low As $149.00 per session
Semi-Private (1-4 People) Session: As Low as $52 per session
Contact Cody at or call 412-295-7068 to learn more
Performance Movement Training and Pain Management
Customized programming geared towards improving overall movement which will help reduce pain, decrease the chance of injury, and improve athletic performance.
Included: ​
Performance Movement Screen used to check for strength and mobility imbalances that may lead to pain or decrease in athletic performance.
Performance Movement exercise prescription based on results of the assessment. This will be geared towards reducing pain, restoring overall movement function, and increasing exercise performance
Regional Massage Therapy used to reduce pain and improve mobility
Contact Cody at to learn more